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HD 166095



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An analysis of the light curves of the overcontact binary system V2388 Ophiuchi
We present four seasons' (2000-2003) ground-based photometry of theshort-period contact binary V2388 Oph. The system is the brightercomponent of visual binary HIP 87655. The magnitude difference betweenthe visual companion and the eclipsing pair was estimated to be 1.19 m,1.09 m and 1.09 m in B, V and R bandpasses, respectively. The lightcurves in BVR are solved by the WD code. Combining the parameters foundby the light curve analysis with those of the radial velocity solutionwe derived the masses and radii of the star components as:M1=1.80(2) Mȯ, M2=0.34(1)Mȯ, R1=2.60(2) Rȯ,R2=1.30(1) Rȯ. The primary component appearsto be more evolved in the mass-radius, mass-luminosity planes and alsoin the HR diagram. It lies near the terminal-age main-sequence, whichagrees well with the position of deeper-contact A-type systems. Thelarge fill-out factor of 0.65 does also support this classification.

Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Sixth Catalogue of Fundamental Stars (FK6). Part III. Additional fundamental stars with direct solutions
The FK6 is a suitable combination of the results of the HIPPARCOSastrometry satellite with ground-based data, measured over a longinterval of time and summarized mainly in the FK5. Part III of the FK6(abbreviated FK6(III)) contains additional fundamental stars with directsolutions. Such direct solutions are appropriate for single stars or forobjects which can be treated like single stars. Part III of the FK6contains in total 3272 stars. Their ground-based data stem from thebright extension of the FK5 (735 stars), from the catalogue of remainingSup stars (RSup, 732 stars), and from the faint extension of the FK5(1805 stars). From the 3272 stars in Part III, we have selected 1928objects as "astrometrically excellent stars", since their instantaneousproper motions and their mean (time-averaged) ones do not differsignificantly. Hence most of the astrometrically excellent stars arewell-behaving "single-star candidates" with good astrometric data. Thesestars are most suited for high-precision astrometry. On the other hand,354 of the stars in Part III are Δμ binaries in the sense ofWielen et al. (1999). Many of them are newly discovered probablebinaries with no other hitherto known indication of binarity. The FK6gives, besides the classical "single-star mode" solutions (SI mode),other solutions which take into account the fact that hidden astrometricbinaries among "apparently single-stars" introduce sizable "cosmicerrors" into the quasi-instantaneously measured HIPPARCOS proper motionsand positions. The FK6 gives, in addition to the SI mode, the "long-termprediction (LTP) mode" and the "short-term prediction (STP) mode". TheseLTP and STP modes are on average the most precise solutions forapparently single stars, depending on the epoch difference with respectto the HIPPARCOS epoch of about 1991. The typical mean error of anFK6(III) proper motion in the single-star mode is 0.59 mas/year. This isa factor of 1.34 better than the typical HIPPARCOS errors for thesestars of 0.79 mas/year. In the long-term prediction mode, in whichcosmic errors are taken into account, the FK6(III) proper motions have atypical mean error of 0.93 mas/year, which is by a factor of about 2better than the corresponding error for the HIPPARCOS values of 1.83mas/year (cosmic errors included).

BVR Photometry of the W UMa Star V2388 Ophiuchi in 2000
Not Available

On the HIPPARCOS photometry of chemically peculiar B, A, and F stars
The Hipparcos photometry of the Chemically Peculiar main sequence B, A,and F stars is examined for variability. Some non-magnetic CP stars,Mercury-Manganese and metallic-line stars, which according to canonicalwisdom should not be variable, may be variable and are identified forfurther study. Some potentially important magnetic CP stars are noted.Tables 1, 2, and 3 are available only in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

HD 163151: a new W UMa type system
HD 163151 is discovered to be a new variable as a part of a W UMasystem. In this paper we present complete uvby light curves. AdditionalCrawford H_β and Johnson BV data are also obtained. A detailedphotometric analysis based on these observations is presented using theWD code. Several tests have been carried out concerning mass ratio andeffective temperatures. The best fitting was achieved with q = 0.27 andT_1=6450 K (fixed) and T_2 = 6130 K. Moreover, the light curves showevidences of spots in one of the components. Tables 2 to 5 will beaccessible only in electronic form at the CDS

The Gamma DOR variable HD 164615 - Results from a multisite photometric campaign
We present the results from a multisite photometric campaign devoted tothe Gamma Dor variable HD 164615. During the campaign, data werecollected in the Johnson and Stromgren photometric systems. A firstsearch for sinusoidal periodicities yielded a three-term solution withfrequencies f1 = 1.2328, f2 = 1.0899, and f3 = 2.3501/d, and a long-termtrend f4 = 0.1301/d. The star may therefore be multiperiodic with eachfrequency related to a pulsation mode. However, a further examination ofthe curve provided evidence that the amplitude at the instant of maximumbrightness is modulated. Alternatively, HD 164615 may be a monoperiodicvariable with frequency f1 = 1.2321/d, showing amplitude modulation withfrequency f4 = 0.1301/d. The presence in the power spectra of thecoupling terms f2 = f1 - f4 and f3 = f1 + f4 - 1 supports the latterinterpretation. In the monoperiodic case the previously giveninterpretation based on a spot carried through the visible disk byrotation still holds, provided that the spot is bright and evolves on atime scale of a few days. However, similarities with other Gamma Dorstars provide indirect indication in favor of the existence of anonradial pulsation interpretation.

GPM - compiled catalogue of absolute proper motions of stars in selected areas of sky with galaxies.
Not Available

GPM1 - a catalog of absolute proper motions of stars with respect to galaxies
The description of the first version of the General Compiled Catalogueof Absolute Proper Motions (GPM1) for a sample of HIPPARCOS stars,derived with respect to galaxies within the plan called Catalogue ofFaint Stars (KSZ, Deutch 1952), is presented. The principal aim of theGPM1 construction was to provide absolute proper motions of stars todetermine the rotation of the HIPPARCOS system. The GPM1 cataloguecontains 977 HIPPARCOS Input Catalogue stars with V magnitudes $5^m -11^m in 180 fields north of -25 degrees of declination. The accuracy ofthe proper motions is 8 mas/yr (milliarcseconds per year). Comparison ofproper motions of GPM1 with those of the PPM and ACRS was performed andanalyzed with respect to systematic errors caused by spurious rotationof the FK5 system. The standard errors show that the rotation may bedetermined with an accuracy better than 1 mas/yr. Catalog is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftpcdsarc.u-strasbg.fr or ftp

UvbyHbeta_ photometry of main sequence A type stars.
We present Stroemgren uvby and Hbeta_ photometry for a set of575 northern main sequence A type stars, most of them belonging to theHipparcos Input Catalogue, with V from 5mag to 10mag and with knownradial velocities. These observations enlarge the catalogue we began tocompile some years ago to more than 1500 stars. Our catalogue includeskinematic and astrophysical data for each star. Our future goal is toperform an accurate analysis of the kinematical behaviour of these starsin the solar neighbourhood.

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

Ca II H and K Filter Photometry on the UVBY System. II. The Catalog of Observations
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995AJ....109.2828T&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Improved Mean Positions and Proper Motions for the 995 FK4 Sup Stars not Included in the FK5 Extension
Not Available

A search for magnetic fields in AM stars
Although Am stars have been assumed to be nonmagnetic stars, we foundrecently that the hot Am stars omicron Peg has a magnetic field of theorder of 2 kG, with a complex structure. Therefore, we reconsidered thequestion of magnetism among upper main sequence chemically peculiarstars. We report here new observations of a pair of magneticallysensitive Fe II lines in the red spectrum of Am stars and of HgMn stars.Two other hot Am stars, HD 29173 and HD 195479A, are likely to possessalso a magnetic field of about the same strength. It is striking that 3out of 4 hot Am stars observed up to now could be magnetic. On the otherhand, this fast method is limited by blends and cannot provide asatisfactory diagnosis for classical Am stars and for HgMn stars. Amulti-line approach must be the next step towards our understanding ofmagnetism among these chemically peculiar stars.

Blue stragglers and the binary hypothesis
An observational test of the binary hypothesis for the origin of bluestraggler stars is conducted by searching for radial velocity variablesamong 30 blue stragglers in several galactic clusters. Only one of theslowly rotating blue stragglers is detected as a radial velocityvariable, and it is shown that this finding does not correspond to theclose binary model at the 99 percent confidence level. It is concludedthat binarity is almost certainly not a causal requirement for any bluestraggler. The results are compared to the binary distribution expectedunder the model of Collier and Jenkins (1984).

E. W. Fick Observatory stellar radial velocity measurements. I - 1976-1984
Stellar radial velocity observations made with the large vacuumhigh-dispersion photoelectric radial velocity spectrometer at FickObservatory are reported. This includes nearly 2000 late-type starsobserved during 585 nights. Gradual modifications to this instrumentover its first eight years of operation have reduced the observationalerror for high-quality dip observations to + or - 0.8 km/s.

Rotation velocities of metallic-line stars
The rotation velocities (V sin i) of 81 Am stars were determined usingspectra of dispersion 15 A/mm. The profiles of Fe I 4045 A and Sr II4215 A lines were compared with the computed profiles. The line widthand its ratio to the central depth are found to be most sensitive to therotation velocity. The hydrogen spectral types obtained from the H-gammaequivalent width are also given. It is noted that the extremal Am starHR 4646 has a relatively high rotation velocity of at least 70 km/s.

UV photometric data on standard A, F and AM stars observed by S2/68
Data derived from the stellar UV fluxes of the S2/68 experiment andanalyzed and interpreted by Van't Veer et al. (1980) are presented.There are two tables of photometric data. One lists all standard stars,without exception, belonging to the intersection of the following threecatalogs: (1) the Thompson et al. (1978) catalog of S2/68 fluxes; (2)the PMR catalog (Philip et al., 1976), which is an analysis of theHauck-Mermilliod catalog (1975) of homogeneous four color data; and (3)the Crawford and Barnes (1970) list of standard stars for uvbyphotometry. The other table lists all the Am stars, without exception,belonging to the intersection of the following three catalogs: (1)Thompson et al. (1978); (2) PMR (1976); and (3) the Hauck (1973) catalogof the Am stars.

The absolute magnitude of the AM stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1981A&A....93..155G&db_key=AST

Catalog of profiles and equivalent widths of the CA II K line in the spectra of metallic-line stars
Profiles of the Ca II K line for 87 bright Am, A, and F stars weremeasured on spectrograms with a dispersion of 15 A/mm. Halfwidths of theprofiles for fixed values of line depth, central depths, and equivalentwidths are presented. In contrast to the case of peculiar stars, theobserved K-line profiles in the metallic-line stars do not show anypeculiar structure.

Properties of AM stars in the Geneva photometric system
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1980A&A....92..289H&db_key=AST

Photometric variability on the lower part of the Cepheid instability strip. I - Evolved AM stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1980A&A....83..114G&db_key=AST

Metallicism and pulsation - The marginal metallic line stars
Evidence is presented that HR 4594 and HR 8210 are pulsating marginal Amstars. It is suggested that (1) classical Am stars do not pulsate, (2)evolved Am stars may pulsate, and (3) marginal Am stars may pulsate. Itis further suggested that, within the Am domain, temperature, age,rotation, and pulsation are sufficient to determine whether a star willbe Am, marginal Am, or spectrally normal.

UBVRI photometry of 225 AM stars
UBVRI photometry of 225 Am stars taken from Mendoza's (1974) catalog ispresented. The results are compared with those obtained by Feinstein(1974) for 21 of the stars and with the values of Johnson et al. (1966).It is assumed that in the first approximation the (V-I) color index ofan unreddened Am star is equal to that of a normal main-sequence star; astandard main sequence is defined for A and early F stars, and thefive-color photometry is analyzed by means of plots of U-V vs. V-I, B-Vvs. V-I, and V-R vs. V-I. Mean color deficiencies of Am stars areexamined, and it is suggested that an unreddened star located below themain-sequence A0-F2 line in the (V-I, U-V) plane is a photometric Amstar. It is concluded that: (1) photometric Am stars have colordeficiencies (as a function of V-I) which, on the average, are 0.07 magin (U-V) color index and 0.025 mag in (B-V) color index; (2) Am starswith V-R less than 0.25 mag may also have a color deficiency of about0.01 mag; (3) Am stars with V-R greater than 0.3 mag may have a colorexcess of approximately 0.01 mag; and (4) Am stars with V-R between 0.25and 0.3 mag may have normal colors.

Photoelectric K-line indices for 165 B, A and F stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1978A&AS...34..441P&db_key=AST

Bright metallic-line and pulsating A stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976PASP...88..402E&db_key=AST

Catalogue of early-type stars measured in a narrow-band photometric system
A compilation of the photoelectric measurements in the Barbier-Morguleffsystem is presented. The catalogue includes data for 773 stars ofspectral type 08 to F6. 706 stars have been measured at least twice.

Multicolor photometry of metallic-line stars. III. A photometric catalogue
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974RMxAA...1..175M&db_key=AST

Photoelectric UBVRI observations of AM stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974AJ.....79.1290F&db_key=AST

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거리:163.132 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-3.6
적위상의 고유운동:0.9
B-T magnitude:6.568
V-T magnitude:6.349

일반명   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 166095
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1021-700-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0975-10559126
BSC 1991HR 6784
HIPHIP 88862

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